GRIMSBY TOGETHER: Building Our Future

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Do you want to shape the future of Grimsby?

Imagine you’re in Grimsby 10 years from now and everything is exactly how you’d like it to be. What does it look like? How does it feel? What is happening around you?
There has recently been a conversation across the town about the future we want.
The online conversation ended on 9th June.
There is information on other ways to get involved below and also sign up here to find the themes and vision coming out of the conversation

This is about the future:

If you think of the best possible Grimsby in 2034, what specific things will have happened in the town to make it so great?


Please leave us your details and tell us about your relationship to Grimsby and we will keep you up to date. 

creating a vision and a plan

We’ll be holding a number of events across the next few weeks, from history walks, to writing workshops to help us to build the vision and the plan.  You can sign up or register your interest below:

making the most of our opportunities

People across the town are already working to build a great future. There are also lots of opportunities in the town from the regeneration of the town centre to the renewable energy industry on our doorstep.  To inform your thinking on Grimsby in 2034 we have summarised some of these opportunities here

If there are great things happening that we should include please let us know at

Next Steps

This work we are doing together will feed into the Grimsby Plan being developed by North East Lincolnshire Council to secure funding as part of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ (DLUHC) Long-Term Plan for Towns. This is a central government spending commitment of £20m.

Through this process we will:

  • Create a vision for the town
  • Identify priority areas for action
  • Identify opportunities for immediate investment over the next 3 years


We will share this with NE Lincs Council who, working with the Greater Grimsby Board, will submit an investment plan to central government for the first three years money.

Alongside this, we will look to identify other ways to bring money and support into the town to back the future that people want. 



Grimsby in 10 years

More than 1,000 people have come together for a conversation about the future of Grimsby as part of the Grimsby Together project, leading to a rich picture of what matters to the area.

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Killian Troy O'Donovan

Grimsby Together History Walk:

By Ava Hodson The Our Future history walk attracted over twenty walkers from a range of backgrounds, including community work, charity, architecture, local politics. It offered a chance to have

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Grimbarians Making Change Happen

In this new publication, Grimbarians C.I.C. capture a year of stories of the change underway across Grimsby, and the brilliant people making it happen.  Our Future and Grimbarians share a love

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Killian Troy O'Donovan

Building Our Future: February Gathering

t was brilliant to have so many of you join us on February 27th for the Our Future Model Workshop at Grimsby Town Football Club, bringing together a group of 63 people who care about Grimsby and NE Lincs and want to build a positive future for the town. The workshop sparked conversations about what is needed for holistic change in the area, the central role of good quality housing, connecting the green economy into communities, and what a new narrative might look like.

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Grimsby in 10 years

More than 1,000 people have come together for a conversation about the future of Grimsby as part of the Grimsby Together project, leading to a rich picture of what matters to the area.

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The Long Term Plan for Towns is a central government initiative that commits up to £20milliion for investment in Grimsby over the next 10 years. 

On or before 1st August 2024 North East Lincolnshire Council will submit a 10 year vision and 3 year investment plan to the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities setting out how this money will be used in Grimsby.

Our Future is working to:

  • engage citizens across Grimsby in developing the vision so that it reflects the dreams and ambitions of a broad group
  • source ideas from people across the town around how to deliver that vision in ten years
  • prioritise where this money can make a real difference in building the future people want for Grimsby and recognise that it isn’t the whole answer
  • explore how we can “grow the pie” and make the DLUHC money go further by bringing in other funding alongside, developing / supporting sustainable models and bring in funding to fund initiatives outside the DLUHC scope or geographic boundary.

We expect that the visioning and co-design hackathon will result in a long list of ideas for investment in the town. 

DLUHC has some priority areas that this must align with. For all ideas that meet this threshold we will then apply 7 tests to help us identify a short list of priorities to recommend to the Towns Board and North East Lincolnshire Council for inclusion in the plan. These tests are:

  • Is it aligned to the 10 year vision created by people of Grimsby?
  • Is it focused on the long term?
  • Is there a logic model, other exemplars or evidence that it will be effective?
  • Will it positively impact the town centre?
  • Will it harness the opportunities already being created in the town? 
  • Will it leverage funding into Grimsby?
  • Will it build on the entrepreneurial energy of people in Grimsby? 

We are using a digital tool that can help large groups of people find areas where they agree. It does this by identifying where people vote in similar ways and where they tend to vote differently. is technically something called a ‘Wikisurvey’. This means people who take part can vote on ideas shared by others, including the organisers, and more importantly, add their own ideas too. 

Our Future took the original statements from visioning exercises and conversations we have had over the previous 2 years. We also took comments directly from previous consultation responses to NE Lincs Council. We worked to represent the broad range of ideas that have emerged to start the conversation. However, the ultimate direction and the majority of statements will be created by people across Grimsby.

Statements will be shown to you in a ‘semi-random’ order. This means you could be shown any statement, but will try to show you newer ones or those that need more votes first so that all statements get to be voted on. If you would like to learn more please see more information for algorithms.


The first people to log on will only see starting statements. As the days pass, you’ll be able to see statements that your fellow Grimsbarians have shared alongside the statements originally posted by the organisers. This means, if you come back a few days later, you’ll likely see new comments that you can vote on. 

It is possible for you to vote on every statement if you wish and we actively encourage you to vote on as many ideas as you can! The more you can vote on, the better the final outcomes will be.  

Yes, the you’re taking part in is being manually moderated by the organisers. We do this primarily to:

  • Avoid harmful or hateful comments making their way in; 
  • Prevent spam from ruining the process for the rest of the participants; and 
  • Ensure that Ideas are shared in the best manner for to be able to work correctly. 

All of the moderated comments will appear here with a reason as to why they were intercepted. For complete transparency, we’ve produced open moderation guidelines that explain what we’re doing; you can read them here

UPDATE: Since we launched this conversation across the town a general election has been called. Therefore it is important that all statements are apolitical and about the long term future of the town.

We have added to our moderation guidelines that any statements that could be viewed as party political will be removed/ edited.

The reason you can’t reply directly to a comment is to stop personal attacks of deeply heated debates from occurring. Experiments have shown that when operating on a ‘comment’ basis, in a similar way to social media, conversation can become more heated and polarising. Removing the reply function and relying on users inputting new independent statements if they have a different opinion ensures a range of perspectives are heard in a constructive way.. 

The conversation does not ask for any information – just get started. Our Future has asked for some high level information separately from the mass online conversation ( This is basic demographic information to ensure we are reaching a good cross section of people – but it is nothing that could be used to identify you. This information is also being collected separately to the, meaning the data is managed by Our Future rather than on the server. For more information on how this data will be treated, see Our Future’s Privacy Policy here.  

Yes of course. There is a handy video here that will help. you can view this here

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