Our Future supports citizens to build the future we need

Our vision is of a sustainable future that we will all be proud to have built together.

We believe this is within our grasp if we support the ingenuity and passion of citizens who love their hometown and want to collaborate to create a brighter future.

Our Future is bringing together the resources and networks citizens need to create long term change

Our Future is in development, working closely with citizens in Grimsby and national partners.

The initiative will empower citizens with the resources and networks needed to build their local economies, own local housing stock, and engender connection, joy, and power in the local area.

The Our Future team, advisors and partners bring a range of skills and experiences

We are community members, social and environmental change experts, local government leaders, philanthropists, entrepreneurs and business leaders. Our partners are sector experts in each aspect of the model.

We know that the future we all care about will be created when we all work together.

If you would like to get involved we’d love to hear from you.

“If you are going down a road and don’t like what’s in front of you and look behind you and don’t like what you see, get off the road. Create a new path”

Maya Angelou